Tyrannosaurus Sext

Tyrannosaurus Sext

Tyrannosaurus SextTitle: Tyrannosaurus Sext
Author: Lola Faust
Series: Dinosaur Erotica #5
First Published: October 27, 2022
Publisher: Storm Crow Press
Pages: 52
Genre: Erotica, Satire, Science Fiction
Format: Ebook
Source: Kindle Unlimited


On the internet, nobody knows you're an eight-ton Cretaceous carnivore.

Alice is shocked to learn that the sexy stranger she met online is actually a tyrannosaurus… but their forbidden attraction leads her to break all the rules!


Came for T-Rex sex, did not get T-Rex sex. What a bait and switch. These two stories were silly and a decent way to pass the time. Half the page count is a preview for another book which is fine, but I see also why reviews are so mixed. The titles are cheeky and the idea is neat, but since short stories are already being paired together it’d be more sensible to just place them all in a larger volume.

Individual Story Notes:

Tyrannosaurus Sext: This one was actually kind of sweet, a woman forms a connection with a mysterious man on a dating app and finds that he was not at all what she was expecting upon meeting him. Nevermind that the T-Rex can talk and text, I could suspend my belief. But not much happens beyond the cute and mildly spicy conversation, the story ends with a fade to black. Where’s the commitment to the premise!?

9 1/2 Velociraptors: This story does deliver on the advertised dinosaur erotica, but my goodness is it wildly unethical. Being lonely is not a valid reason to have sex with lab animals ma’am. At least gets points for erotica.


“She knows he wants her. Those teeth flash in the floodlight, adding an almost dangerous edge to the fantasy.”

Rating Breakdown

Tyrannosaurus Sext: ★★☆☆☆ 9 1/2 Velociraptors: ★★★☆☆

Content Warnings

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About the Author

About Lola Faust

From an early age Lola Faust’s fantasies and reveries tilted towards the unusual and the eccentric. Though she entertained curious private journals, it wasn’t until she entered the Paleontology program at the University of British Columbia that her romantic notions concerning dinosaurs took full flight.

While working towards her doctorate, Ms Faust began writing her signature saurian prose. Today she is employed by day at a leading university in her field, but maintains her anonymous and risque personality online.

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