The Scampering

The Scampering

The ScamperingTitle: The Scampering
Author: A.W. Mason, Alana K. Drex
First Published: June 8, 2022
Publisher: Self-Published
Pages: 25
Genre: Extreme Horror, Horror, Psychological, Short Stories
Format: Ebook
Source: Kindle Unlimited


Melinda hates squirrels. She blames them for her husband's death, and as time goes forward, instead of trying to move on, her obsessive anger only grows. But what has led Melinda to blame the little rodents for her husband's demise? And where will this hateful path ultimately lead her?


What did I just read and why did I love it so much? The Scampering is a wild little short story about a woman named Melinda who hates squirrels. Melinda is so unabashedly insane I couldn’t help but laugh out loud, the narration in this story had no business being as funny as it was. I flew through the pages with glee, it was a total blast to read and just the right kind of story to drag me out of a reading slump.

The writing was solid and I will definitely be checking out more books by both authors. I haven’t read that many man vs nature animal attack type books but this one definitely got me interested in reading more.


“A mirror check showed the thing was laid out on its back, a hind leg twitching. An evil chortle escaped her lips.”

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About the Author

About A.W. Mason

A.W. Mason lives in Florida with his cats Wallace and Belle, retired extreme parkour artists (who look so dapper in their little helmets and knee pads). He enjoys all the nachos, getting lost in the woods, and naps.

Mason has published several books including A Haunt of Travels, The Cleanup Crew, The Scampering (co-authored with Alana K Drex), and Judy Martin’s Final Curtain Call. His short stories have appeared in various anthologies.

About Alana K. Drex

Alana K. Drex is a horror author.

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