100% Match

100% Match
100% MatchTitle: 100% Match
Author: Patrick C. Harrison III
Series: Pocket Nasties #1
First Published: December 30, 2022
Publisher: Self-Published
Pages: 96
Genre: Dark Comedy, Horror
Format: Ebook
Source: Kindle Unlimited


Bart is thirty. He is bald. He is overweight. He wears glasses. He is a fry cook. He hates cats. And kids. Bart occasionally does very bad things. He is looking for his perfect match. He has done his research.

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I won’t lie, I was worried about reading this book because I had seen it labeled as gross extreme horror. I ended up giving it a chance, and I’m glad I did! It turns out, 100% Match is comedy horror and I found it audaciously funny. Bart Bartley is a statistics obsessed oddball looking for love. Bart details his day deadpan, despite the obscene and seemingly random actions that he takes throughout the story, and frankly that’s what made it funny.

The humor in this story really reminded me of the raunchy and gross comedies of the 1990’s that I grew up with, so maybe I’m just desensitized to the yucky parts of this book. This book will absolutely not be for everyone, but it was certainly a book for me. I ended up reading it aloud with my husband, and we had a great time rolling in bed laughing.


“I manage to tell her I don’t have work and don’t go to church. I was forcibly removed from a church once, after an incident involving a rolled-up newspaper, three candles, a priest, and a confessional.”

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About the Authors

About Patrick C. Harrison III

Patrick C. Harrison III (PC3, if you prefer) is an author of horror, splatterpunk, and all forms of speculative fiction. His current publications include GRANDPAPPY, A SAVAGE BREED, VAMPIRE NUNS BEHIND BARS, 5 TALES THAT WILL LAND YOU IN HELL, among others, and his works can be found in numerous anthologies, including AND HELL FOLLOWED and ROAD KILL: TEXAS HORROR BY TEXAS AUTHORS VOL. 4.

PC3 is the Splatterpunk Award-winning editor (with Jarod Barbee) of AND HELL FOLLOWED, and has edited several other anthologies. He is a freelance editor, having done work for notable authors like Aron Beauregard, Daniel J. Volpe, Mark Towse, Rebecca Rowland, and many others.

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