
CargoTitle: Cargo
Author: Ruth Anna Evans
First Published: April 1, 2023
Publisher: Self-Published
Pages: 88
Genre: Coming of Age, Dystopia, Horror, Post-Apocalyptic, Science Fiction
Format: Ebook
Source: Kindle Unlimited


Cargo is the story of twelve-year-old Marilee, who is fleeing alone from a home that has been destroyed by famine and beset by roving gangs who steal infants for their flesh. When we first meet her, she is trapped in a cargo container that has just run out of air.

This quick-hit coming-of-age tale follows Marilee as she bravely navigates a series of terrifying events that just won't let up. With a stunning twist and a surprising ending, Cargo shows a dystopian future that is "terrifyingly possible." It's the kind of story where the characters stay with you long after you leave the book behind.

Don't miss this exciting new release from the dark mind of Ruth Anna Evans.

Buy the Book: Amazon


Marilee is a young girl trapped in a cargo vessel full of refugees on it’s way to an unknown future. The passengers on board hold onto hope for a better life, but hope is a bitter poison in a cruel world. Cargo paints a terrifyingly dark vision of the future where roving gangs rule the barren remnants of Earth after an unspecified ecological disaster wiped out the established social order.

What follows is a story of desperation and survival, of a wonderous future for humanity marred by greed and exploitation. The cannibal butchers are not the real horror in this story, a terrifying prospect. This humble little sci-fi horror novella is the third book that I’ve read by Ruth Anna Evans and she is quickly becoming a go-to author for me.


“If you die with someone, are they still a stranger?”

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About the Author

About Ruth Anna Evans

Ruth Anna Evans is a horror writer, anthologist, and cover designer who lives in the heart of all that is sinister: the American Midwest. She has self-published the horror collection No One Can Help You: Tales of Lost Children and Other Nightmares, along with novellas, novelettes, and several short stories. She is the editor of Ooze: Little Bursts of Body Horror. She also has work appearing in several recent anthologies, including The First Five Minutes of the Apocalypse from Hungry Shadow Press. She is the author of What Did Not Die, published by PsychoToxin Press, and the novella Do Not Go In That House from Gloom House Publishing.

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