Author: Suzette Haden Elgin
Series: Native Tongue #1
First Published: July 16, 2019
Publisher: The Feminist Press at CUNY
Pages: 375
Genre: Dystopia, Feminist Fiction, Science Fiction
Format: Ebook
Source: Author Newsletter

In 2205, the 19th Amendment has long been repealed and women are only valued for their utility. The Earth's economy depends on an insular group of linguists who "breed" women to be perfect interstellar translators until they are sent to the Barren House to await death. But instead, these women are slowly creating a language of their own to make resistance possible. Ignorant to this brewing revolution, Nazareth, a brilliant linguist, and Michaela, a servant, both seek emancipation in their own ways. But their personal rebellions risk exposing the secret language, and threaten the possibility of freedom for all.
Buy the Book: AmazonReview
Native Tongue imagines a future where language translation has become invaluable for interstellar trade and powerful linguist families rise to power. The families keep tight social control of their women for breeding perfect translators. This book had a fascinating concept, the use of language as a tool for female oppression but also as a vehicle for female empowerment.
I just found it to be really dull.
The writing style was dry and felt dated. There was some world building, told through different characters, but the characters were one-dimensional and not very engaging. There are several plot threads that were mildly interesting, but none of them come together in a way that was satisfying.
While there is a part of me that has been curious about the sequels to see where the story would go, this first book was a pain to get through, and I haven’t felt compelled to continue.
“It’s not that they interrupt, it’s not that they won’t give a man all the time he wants—it’s that they are simply not really there at all.”
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