Author: Brian Bowyer
First Published: August 3, 2023
Publisher: Self-Published
Pages: 34
Genre: Horror, Short Stories
Format: Ebook
Source: Kindle Unlimited

A serial killer uses the blood of his victims to make art. A haunted painting made with the blood of a murdered child tells its owner that the artist is planning another painting.


A quick, thrilling read start to finish that can easily be finished in one sitting, SCARLETT is a bite-sized slice of horror about a serial killer and a haunted painting. Myla has been having a bad year, coming into the possession of a creepy painting is just the tip of the iceberg. I enjoyed the brevity of Bowyer’s prose, which keeps the pacing of the story quick. The characters are well defined in a short amount of pages and Bowyer managed to get me to absolutely hate some characters in a short amount of pages. While the story was mildly predictable, it had an ending that I found extremely satisfying.


“It was like there were no other voices in the world anymore. There was only the little girl’s voice, speaking to her.”

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About the Author

About Brian Bowyer

Writer, editor, and musician.

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