Snow, Glass, Apples

Snow, Glass, Apples

Snow, Glass, ApplesTitle: Snow, Glass, Apples
Author: Colleen Doran, Neil Gaiman
First Published: August 20, 2019
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Pages: 64
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Fantasy, Horror, Supernatural
Format: Hardcover
Source: Purchased


A chilling fantasy retelling of the Snow White fairy tale by New York Times bestselling creators Neil Gaiman and Colleen Doran!

A not-so-evil queen is terrified of her monstrous stepdaughter and determined to repel this creature and save her kingdom from a world where happy endings aren't so happily ever after.


I really love when fairy tale retellings play with my expectations, mixing up the story to provide something fresh and new. Snow White is an icon of classic fairy tales, thanks in part to Walt Disney her appearance is unforgettable; raven black hair, deep red lips, skin pure and white as snow. The description alone makes me think of another legend, another creature, equally famous.

Snow, Glass, Apples was a refreshing reimagining of the Snow White fairy tale. Keeping in mind the grim and brutal nature of the original story, I really enjoyed the role reversal that is presented, with the story being told from the point of view from the “evil” witch queen and her unnaturally perfect stepdaughter. The original fairy tale was always horrific, but this graphic novel took that horror and multiplied it. The central story still survives, the huntsman, the dwarves, the glass coffin, and the prince, all twisted into nightmare versions of the originals.

Gloriously grimdark, the Snow White of this story is perhaps one of my favorites that has ever been imagined. Even without ever speaking a word, she is singularly terrifying. The story is brought to life by Doran’s outstanding artwork in all its blood and glory. I loved this graphic novel, it has easily become a favorite.


“I think of her hair as black as coal—her lips, redder than blood—her skin snow-white.”

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About the Authors

About Colleen Doran

Colleen Doran is an American writer-artist and cartoonist. She illustrated hundreds of comics, graphic novels, books and magazines, including the autobiographical graphic novel of Marvel Comics editor and writer Stan Lee entitled Amazing Fantastic Incredible Stan Lee, which became a New York Times bestseller.

About Neil Gaiman

Neil Richard MacKinnon Gaiman is an English author of short fiction, novels, comic books, graphic novels, nonfiction, audio theatre, and films. His works include the comic book series The Sandman and novels Stardust, American Gods, Coraline, and The Graveyard Book.

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