Something Akin to Revulsion

Something Akin to Revulsion
Something Akin to RevulsionTitle: Something Akin to Revulsion
Author: Judith Sonnet
First Published: August 17, 2022
Publisher: Self-Published
Pages: 142
Genre: Extreme Horror, Horror, Short Stories
Format: Paperback
Source: Purchased


Get ready to feel.... SOMETHING AKIN TO REVULSION.
Judith Sonnet is proud to present three gut-churning tales of depravity, murder, and mayhem!
Meet an abusive monster on the internet... attend the worst party in the world... watch as a vile woman receives her supernatural comeuppance... and witness a backwoods wrestling match gone wrong!
Featuring loads of gore, human and demonic evil, and even a few laughs... SOMETHING AKIN TO REVULSION is a collection that splatter fans won't want to miss!

Buy the Book: Amazon


I couldn’t resist the killer title and cover for this book despite having mixed feelings about extreme horror. This collection of stories delivers on the title, the contents of these stories are truly revolting. I don’t get nauseated reading gross content that often, but some of the stories in this collection made me gag. Serious content warning.

Each story was a thrill ride with nail-biting situations and violence galore. There was enough variety here that I could overlook some of the less comfortable aspects of the stories and characters. A solid collection of stories for fans of the extreme horror genre that will twist the stomach of seasoned readers.

Individual Story Notes:

Lolcow: Christ I see why this story won the Gross Out Contest at KillerCon. When I saw the title and read the first few pages, I found my mind thinking back to one of the internet’s most famous Lolcow, Chris Chan. This story was easily one of the most revolting of the collection, and while I didn’t care for the gross bits of this story, I appreciated the nod to 2000’s internet culture and the ending was chilling.

Liquid Sick: Speaking as an unrepentant feminist, FUCK TERFs. This little short story is about a mother and keyboard-wielding TERF getting a taste of her own vitriol. I didn’t care for how woo-woo this story gets around the end with visions used as a convenient device to reveal the whole story, but the ending was cathartic.

Rehearsal: This story punches fast and punches hard, a high school party from hell. There is some good commentary here about Brock Turner and other “promising young men.” The ending, strangely, was a relief after how dark and intense this story got.

Body-Crunch: Two of the characters in the story were inspired by George and Lennie from Of Mice and Men, which I found interesting and a good nod to a classic. While I felt a little mixed about this story and the depiction of Oren, the Lennie of the story, this character was genuinely terrifying to me.

Coke-Nail: A cautionary tale for any potheads out there that get any funny ideas in their head to seek out harder drugs. While I wasn’t keen on another hillbilly serial killer-type, I loved the brutally ambiguous ending.

Something Akin to Revulsion: The titular story packs an emotional punch and is easily the best in the collection. An utterly brutal revenge story. While I loved the ending, the afterword provided information about the two other possible endings and frankly all of the possible endings are fantastic.

Rating Breakdown

Lolcow: ★★★☆☆
Liquid Sick: ★★★★☆
Rehearsal: ★★★★☆
Body-Crunch: ★★★★☆
Coke-Nail: ★★★★☆
Something Akin to Revulsion: ★★★★★
Favorite Story: Something Akin to Revulsion


“She was a Christian, for crying out loud!”

Content Warnings

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About the Author

About Judith Sonnet

Judith Sonnet (she/her) is a horror and splatter author from Missouri, although she currently resides in Utah… where she spends every day reading, writing, watching Italian horror movies, and listening to loud music. She’s a trans woman, an abuse survivor, and is thankful to be involved in the horror community. Noteworthy publications include No One Rides For Free, The Clown Hunt, Something Akin to Revulsion, and Summer Never Ends, all of which are available on Amazon. TOXIC is her Godless debut.

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