Author: Sam West
First Published: November 25, 2022
Publisher: Self-Published
Pages: 120
Genre: Horror, Short Stories
Format: Ebook
Source: Kindle Unlimited

Three novelettes from Sam West.
Three times the horror.
Includes the stories:
Donna Gerritson and her husband are to attend a dinner party at an eccentric millionaire’s mansion on the night of Halloween.
Nine guests are on the invite list…
Nine guests and one host who will do well to survive the night.
Adam is always searching for his perfect woman. He has a type. She must be brilliant in every single possible way. She must be accomplished and educated – nothing less than BA Hons will do. She must be passionate and driven, speak at least one other language and come from ‘good stock’. She must also look like a supermodel.
Sadly for Adam, not many women meet his standards.
And it makes him angry…
Jenna worships her elderly cat. She also has a crush on the postman, and is delighted when he agrees to come round for dinner one night.
It breaks her heart when the cat and the postie don’t get along. But the cat comes first. Always.
No man will ever come between them. The postman will pay for showing such disrespect…
This is extreme horror.
There will be blood.
I had been really wanting to read more extreme indie horror and was happy to come across this one. After reading though I was left feeling conflicted and a little disappointed, I had to sleep on it to sort out what to think of these stories. I wasn’t bothered at all by the gore and there was certainly an abundance of it. My problem came down more to how hit or miss the stories were. I actually put the book down for a week and almost DNF’d it after the second story, but I’m glad that I pushed through for the third.
This is an indie title, so I expect there to be some grammatical errors but this book was littered with sloppy writing in every story, especially in the last story. This book badly needs to be combed through to clean up sentences. There were sentences that were clipped short or made no sense and it was a bummer. Still worth a read for the memorable last story.
Individual Story Notes:
♥ Only the Best Will Do: This story was seriously gory about a serial killer searching for his one true love. It’s brutal and can easily be categorized under torture porn. The main character gave me Patrick Bateman vibes, but his character was not quite so deep. It was a bloody little thrill ride with a quirky ending.
♥ Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, I Love You: I am a big-time cat lover and I have to admit that I… Really didn’t like this short story. The concept was good, a little funny even, I love the idea of the Dark Lord being a cat, but I just found this story to be incredibly repetitive. It didn’t help that it was another bad date set-up right after the last one. The back-and-forth dialogue between Jenna and the postman went on for entirely too long that it became a little boring, even with the grisly scenes.
♥ A Halloween Scream: This was easily my favorite story of the trio, the best developed and a total surprise. I don’t want to spoil it, but it covers a subgenre of horror that I find personally terrifying. My only gripe was the heavy focus on every character’s looks with a lot of celebrity comparisons being thrown around.
Rating Breakdown
Only the Best Will Do: ★★★☆☆ | Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, I Love You: ★☆☆☆☆ | A Halloween Scream: ★★★★☆ |
“A mighty feast for Our Lord. Praise The Lord of Darkness, for the gift he is about to receive.”
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