Review The Shining Girls follows Harper, a crude serial killer from the 1930's that can hop through time; and Kirby, the spunky young woman that got away. This book was…
Review Hardboiled & Hard Luck is a collection of two novellas that share a theme of grief and loss. Both stories read like a gentle goodbye as each narrator explores…
Review The Road was my first Cormac McCarthy book and it's a book I still feel conflicted about nearly ten years after reading it. The book was equal parts fascinating…
Review You know that age in every teenager's life where they start to become a little bit rebellious? Telling little white lies, sneaking out, hanging out with crowds they know…
Review When I put out a survey on Goodreads asking my fellow users what poetry books I should read Milk and Honey was overwhelmingly recommended to me. I had heard…
Review Our Wives Under the Sea is a grotesquely beautiful literary horror novel. This book didn't contain the blood and gore of so much of the horror genre, but instead…
Review I had a difficult time gathering my thoughts and deciding how I wanted to rate this book. When I closed the book after the final page, I wasn't even…