Review Yona of the Dawn is an intriguing historical drama series about a displaced princess in a fantasy setting that takes inspiration from Japan, Korea, and China. Princess Yona is…
Review Aya is a happily married woman. She's got a husband who is kind that is the envy of her friends. Lately however, her husband has been working late, and…
Review Suicide Club is a distressing manga that hits the reader hard and fast. A stunning psychological horror thriller that is as difficult to stomach as it is impossible to…
Review Metamorphosis is one of the most notorious hentai manga out there and for a while, it seems like everyone was talking about it, and for good reason. Henshin, otherwise…
Review I don't like sports, I don't like watching them, and I don't like playing them, but for some reason I really like sports anime and manga. Crimson Hero was…
Review Dissolving Classroom is the story of a pair of siblings that bring misfortune to every person that they meet. Chizumi is a disturbed child that enjoys harassing people and…
Review Classic slasher flicks have become a cultural touchstone in horror cinema that has spawned a number of tropes that define the genre: final girls, deadly shower scenes, and the…
Review Sometimes you run into those manga that is worth reading for the art alone, even if the story is not the strongest. I didn't know what I was getting…