Crazy Plant Shop

Crazy Plant Shop

Review Crazy Plant Shop is a humble little indie game about punnett squares, you know, dominant and recessive genes? I always found genetics fascinating, and as a student I had…
Ravenous Devils

Ravenous Devils

Review From the first time I laid eyes on Ravenous Devils, I thought, "Isn't that just Sweeney Todd?" and I was terribly curious. And you know what? The game is…
Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Review This game instantly attracted my attention with its stylish pixel art style and interesting looking characters. I picked Coffee Talk up on a whim and I am truly happy…


Review Fairytale retellings are such a guilty pleasure and Cinders stands out as one of the best of the best. Cinders is a mature retelling of Cinderella and focus more…
Good Pizza Great Pizza

Good Pizza Great Pizza

Review I have a special soft spot for management sims, and especially ones that involve cooking. Once in a while, a cooking game comes around that steals my heart and…