Round 1 - BDylanHollis

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Re: Round 1 - BDylanHollis

Post by Jun »

Oh.. this is bread made of avacado.. he says its taste good but I am a bit sus. LOL a lot of breads and cake mixing, but its nice to see someone use old recipes again to taste what thigns in the day tasted like (well to the best of their ability and ingredients)
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Re: Round 1 - BDylanHollis

Post by rain »

I'm particularly intrigued by clam biscuits. I never knew canned clams were a thing and the fact that the recipe asked for the clam juices as well. I googled it after but there's surprisingly less information about it online than I thought there'd be. I do enjoy a good clam chowder so really curious about how they taste, though obviously his reaction doesn't bode well.

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Re: Round 1 - BDylanHollis

Post by SalyaDarken »

I don't watch ppl like him on youtube but he is cute and interesting. ^_^
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Re: Round 1 - BDylanHollis

Post by Lex »

I've seen his videos around, they're usually pretty funny lmao. A lot of the recipes are really interesting to see even though I think a lot of them sound or look gross. Every time he says one actually tastes good I'm like nooo way hfkjhfsjf. Especially a lot of the desserts, some of them are...highly questionable. Every so often he makes one that actually looks kinda good though, I've never attempted any of the recipes myself but maybe I should just to see for myself if they actually are.
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Re: Round 1 - BDylanHollis

Post by Jamie »

@Jun - I am with you on avocados being sussy, but its kind of genius at the same time that avocados are a nice fatty fruit, you won't need to add anymore oil or butter or anything! I'm not Californian enough to like Avocados though lol. I agree that it is nice to see some old recipes resurface, it's kind of a form of interacting with food history and making it digestible for younger generations.
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@Lex - I completely agree that most sound bizarre or gross, but when they turn out good it makes me really curious! I made the coconut ice deck from one of his videos because it looked interesting and he said it was a delight! I want to do a few more from his tiktoks for ones that seem good.
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@rain - I remember seeing canned clams when I was little and the smell was always a bit odd. Really interesting concept to keep the clam juice, I'm sure it would make it taste really fishy!
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@Salyadarken - Understandable! He seems like the kind of guy that would be interesting at a party haha. Thank you for giving him a shot!
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Re: Round 1 - BDylanHollis

Post by auriianna »

He is hilarious and I do enjoy seeing what he found in old cookbooks. How he jokes about things while doing so, commenting on how he finds things in boxes like sugar or milk that are not seen much today. Though his reactions are quite amusing but most insightful due to that he is willing to make and try these recipes. Some sound delicious and others... well he has a stronger stomach than I. But I almost want to watch and try to make the recipes he found delightfu.
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Re: Round 1 - BDylanHollis

Post by Elijah »

Oh I love his tiktoks! My favorite part is watching his expression change to delight when he eats a recipe that tastes good. I think it's neat to see old recipes, especially the ones from parts in history where people didn't have access to typical baking ingredients, like during wartime rationing and the great depression. It's amazing to see what folks were able to come up with despite how difficult some ingredients were to find. Also, I keep saying "EGG-IES." whenever I'm using eggs during cooking or baking now because of him.
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Re: Round 1 - BDylanHollis

Post by Jamie »

@Auriianna - He has definitely gotten me interested in trying some new recipes, but many are a firm no hah!
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@Elijah - Guilty of saying cinnamon the way he does, I hear his voice in my head when I look at some ingredients haha. I love that he does a lot from the great depression and other hard times in American history. Really fun food history!
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Re: Round 1 - BDylanHollis

Post by Emelie »

I thought he was funny but its too fast-paced for my liking. I love watching cooking videos, but not Tiktok/reel style. I watched a regular video from his own youtube channel though, that was not a tiktok compilation, and really enjoyed it! Gonna watch more!
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Re: Round 1 - BDylanHollis

Post by Jamie »

@Emillie - I can agree on the videos being very fast! I've found TikTok clips hit or miss, some are funny, but many feel like a complete waste of time. And I can't stand the ones that have longer stories in them that you have to watch multiple clips for. I think B. Dylan Hollis has a fantastic personality for a normal Youtube video and hope that he thinks about branching out!
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