Round 2 - Culinary Vegetables

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Where should culinary vegetables be placed?

Fruits - Because science
Vegetables - I know them as vegetables
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Round 2 - Culinary Vegetables

Post by Jamie »

  • Answer the question as best you can, have fun discussing!
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Reward (per post): 2 random cards

Round 2
Where should we place "culinary vegetables" in terms of deck categories?

I've been really undecided on where to place certain fruits that are used as culinary vegetables. Some examples include but are not limited to:
- Tomatoes
- Peppers (all kinds)
- Cucumbers
- Zucchini
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Re: Round 2 - Culinary Vegetables

Post by Caitlin »

I voted (and think) vegetables, mainly because we know and recognize them mainly as vegetables. When I think of myself eating bell peppers or cucumbers, for example, I think of myself as eating vegetables. In fact, I call those 2 of my favorite vegetables! I think some of the scientific argument I've heard before was that tomato(es) are fruit because they have seeds(?) Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I did hear that somewhere. Well, if that were the case - what about apples, strawberries, even bananas have seeds, they're just lesser known and seen. :?
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Re: Round 2 - Culinary Vegetables

Post by Elijah »

Vegetables! I really think in the culinary context, they are vegetables and are used as vegetables. The lines can get blurred in some instances, sure (especially when you consider cultural differences), but that can be said for any category. I also think if we included those under fruits, we'd have to have a whole new flower category for things like broccoli and artichoke. Their role typically is that of other veggies! If this were a botanical eTCG I could see the case for them being fruit, but for a food one, culinary definition all the way.
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Re: Round 2 - Culinary Vegetables

Post by Ace »


When we shop for them, they're in the produce section near the other vegetables. I already question the source of other things. I can't begin to process everything I know is a lie. Even if peppers are a fruit I refuse to believe it. In terms of why, because they have the green earthy taste in them. Like when you bite into lettuce or onions. it just feels right to call them a vegetable as well. Because I don't think anyone would want to put a pepper in their fruit smoothie.
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Re: Round 2 - Culinary Vegetables

Post by Kayori »

I just call them vegetables because that's what they are used as culinary and otherwise. *shrug*
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Re: Round 2 - Culinary Vegetables

Post by Mysti »

They're vegetables to me! I mean, it would also be easier to find them that way, because I imagine most would not immediately go looking for tomatoes under 'fruit' (at least in a food TCG).
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Re: Round 2 - Culinary Vegetables

Post by Jun »

:oops: they are fruits to me, we call them such here all the time. But uh... I guess it just all depends haha. I know your always going to get those players who say "um why is tomato in vegitables its a fruit lmao" but then you will also have players who are like "why cant i find tomato/avacado/peppers in vegitables?!" then not realize they are in fruit haha. its a lose lose. I say which ever seems to make sense to the majority is best probably.
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Re: Round 2 - Culinary Vegetables

Post by Loki »

I know them all as vegetables. Tomatoes are literally the only one I've started calling a fruit. Not sure that I could ever call a pepper a fruit, but that's just me.
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Re: Round 2 - Culinary Vegetables

Post by Jamie »

Ace: Believe it or not there are actually people that put (bell) peppers in smoothies.
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Survey (Round 2): filetmignon06, chiaseed08

Caitlin: You are partially correct with seeds. Fruit are generally considered to be a ripened ovary, and the part that can reproduce basically. Banana is a funny one in this category, although it has seeds, the seeds in most banana types are actually sterile! I learned some of this from a video I plan to use for a future round of Food Network, but bananas actually multiply from pups, which grow from the root. Pups can be separated and replanted to create a new tree.
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Survey (Round 2): okonomiyaki07, centuryegg02

Elijah: I hadn't even considered that there is a subcategory of veggies that are considered flowers! I agree that it can definitely depend on culture, and while I know in America anything not sweet is basically considered a veggie I was curious how the tcg community would feel.
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Survey (Round 2): cinnamonroll02, concordgrape08

Jun: That's just it, this was all according to plan. So when someone later goes, "this is a ____ and doesn't belong here," I can refer to this topic and inform them that the council has spoken.
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Survey (Round 2): cantaloupe02, lavacake12

Kayori: Agreed, I think this will be the consensus for most.
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Survey (Round 2): macaroniandcheese17, horchata20

Loki: The tomato debate was definitely the first time I ever encountered this dilemma, and then learned about many more examples when working on this tcg.
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Survey (Round 2): edamame14, banana18

Mysti: I agree, but at the same time I know people that will die on that fruit hill. I read a book earlier this year where the main character kept mentioning picking up tomatoes and eating them like an apple as a snack and all I could think was that this character was an absolute psychopath. (the book was Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid for anyone curious).
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Survey (Round 2): kale03, strawberryicecream09

I also wanted to share a GIF from Iron Chef:
SIR that is a BELL PEPPER.
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Re: Round 2 - Culinary Vegetables

Post by Star »

It's kind of like hos Strawberries aren't technically a berry or even a fruit at all. But everyone acknowledges it as such. So I'd just put them in the vegetable section anyway in my honest opinion.

Either that or give up and just have a very large Produce section and give up on labeling things either way. :lol: