My reading log for the 32 books in the indie horror brawl from the Books of Horror Facebook group.

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Brawl Books

Read? Number Title Author Rating
01 Video Nasties Duncan Ralston None
02 Impulse Megan Stockton 5 stars
03 Screams From the Ocean Floor L.M. Kaplin None
04 The Conservator’s Collection: Derelict Jay Bower None
05 Sleeping In The Fire John Durgin None
06 We’ve Already Gone Too Far M.J. Mars None
07 OH FUCK OH FUCK IT HURTS Ruth Anna Evans 5 stars
08 MORIBUND Jennifer Osborn None
09 The Haunting of Chavez Ravine Debra Castaneda 5 stars
10 Abigail Daemon Manx 4 stars
11 Harvested: An Anthology of Reaping What You Sow R.J. Roles None
12 Obscenely Bizarre Matt Shaw None
13 100% Match Patrick C. Harrison III 5 stars
14 Love Wanes, Fear is Forever Justin Boote None
15 A Flock of Crows Devin Cabrera None
16 Candy Dish Matthew Lutton None
17 A Bouquet of Viscera Bridgett Nelson None
18 There’s Something Wrong with Aunty Beth Mark Towse None
19 Dark Days: Novellas of Revenge and Redemption Steven Pajak None
20 Within: A Three Part Horror Edmund Stone None
21 Rural Decay Jason Nickey 5 stars
22 Bloody Hell: An Anthology of UK Indie Horror Sarah Jules None
23 Stories I Forgot: A Chicago Horror Collection Chaz Williams None
24 Tales From The Coffee Pot Jim Ody None
25 Sick! Sick! Sick! Robert Essig None
26 Woe To Those Who Dwell On Earth John Lynch None
27 The Considerate Cannibal Kimberly Nicole 3.5 stars
28 Cody Was Here and Other Stories D.W. Hitz None
29 The Night She Came Back Angelique Jordonna None
30 Colours C.S. Jones None
31 Father of Lies Steve Stred None
32 dreamwhispers M. Ennenbach None