Round 8 - 5 Food Trends that Lived & Died this Decade

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Round 8 - 5 Food Trends that Lived & Died this Decade

Post by Jamie »

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This Round
Video Length: 8:11

My thoughts:
Well now that we're in the 2020's, I figured it would be fun to look back at some of the food trends that were hot in the 2010's. I remember all of the foods on this list and either didn't try them or weren't that into them, except for Four Loko. Ace got me to drink them back during our party days and the first time I drank one it was truly the first time that I got wasted. I never got drunk like that ever again after, but I think I knew better and tended to subconsciously pace myself.

Also, apologies I did not realize that a post was not made this past week, so we will have one today and another on Friday. I will also give everyone an extra card for this round.
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Re: Round 8 - 5 Food Trends that Lived & Died this Decade

Post by Jun »

LOL Lets see. Its hard to say what died and what didn't, but I do not use instagram and such, so i guess what was a 'trend' is probab;y not what i think/

Unicorn food I still see in stores for sure esp in the west. Though some of these are pretty eye painful. I agree for the unicorn food; I dont need you to add a bunch of food dye to food.

Though I know cakepops still do pretty well, its just they way too pricy for a small cake thing. But definetly not dead. I think a bit about the cake pop is also that they are often not too cooked if that makes sense? But i dont like cake really so cant say I ever hunt them down.

I think I missed the charchol trend. I seen black color in cooking before, but not really like that haha. Reminds me of the Alkaline waters I drink. But with that set back... So no suprise if this is death I guess hehe.

Four Loko... yes I can see why it isnt tooo big anymore. Though the comment of "little did we know" I mean... I think anyon can tell you that much caffine would have been bad.

Chains I can see, but I think there is a lot of factors over all; finding workers esp in the last couple years, location and communites, ect. But yeah, for themed resturants for sure, I see them dying out. As for some chains, i think they did over estimate locations and such so example; I used to live in a place that had like 3 of the same chain within like 5 mins of eachother. Ofc one eventualyl shut down and im sure one of the others was close. It was ridiculious and neither were in that level of need.

Trends come and go, but some foods will last for a while. Cake pops will stay for sure (i think they been around for like much much longer then 2010s too?), Same for unicorn food (very common to see still now, but i guess raimbowfy anything you can call it 'unicorn'). However for the food that isnt good for you... yeah im sure you wont really be missed too much hahaha.
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Re: Round 8 - 5 Food Trends that Lived & Died this Decade

Post by Ouji »

Watching this I was like 'oh are they not all that popular anymore???'

I feel like I still see a lot of these nowadays save for the unicorn food, but it still feels like Starbucks put out a few drinks every once in a while that's not quite as colorful, but pretty colorful. The black charcoal one I always wondered about whether or not they would have any adverse side effects and the prospect of eating anything black and having it stain on my teeth, even for a little while was too mortifying for me to want to try it LMAO.

Four Loko feels like one of those drinks that seems almost mythical, in a sense, because it seems to really only come out in those wild crazy parties thrown by wild crazy people. It kind of had a reputation of 'WOW HE'S SO HARDCORE HE DRINKS A FOUR LOKO' so I've never had any of those. I wasn't much of a drinker when it was really popular, I feel like I'm still not but I think I'd try a can just for the experience.

I had no idea all those restaurants closed :( I never would have thought they'd be a casualty or anything, I just figured that business and COVID made business terrible. Places close all the time, but sooner or later another one takes its place. It's almost kind of seasonal, in a way, or at least that's how I look at it - like a place might not be open THIS year but give it time and a little change in weather and there'll be a brand new, remodeled one popping up sooner rather than later, probably down the street in a mall or something.
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Re: Round 8 - 5 Food Trends that Lived & Died this Decade

Post by Elijah »

HONESTLY RELIEVED ACTIVATED CHARCOAL IN FOOD ISN'T POPULAR ANYMORE... it looks cool but it can be dangerous if you're taking meds. activated charcoal is what they use to remove toxins from your stomach, and it doesn't know the difference!! i definitely noticed there were less burger kings around too. it used to be a staple for me because there was one next to the local pool, but now they're impossible to find. and they keep sending me coupons! how am i supposed to use the coupons if i can't find one! 😤

also i'm a little bummed 4loko isn't the same... i was under 21 when they came out, and i was never really too into drinking extreme stuff underage because i could just drink hard lemonade at family gatherings and no one would care. i feel like i missed out by not Experiencing it... i'm always down for trying dumb drinks (recently my siblings and i got together and made The Flavor and it definitely tasted!) and it definitely fits in that category. i've never actually been DRUNK drunk because my alcohol tolerance is high, so i want to try the potion of get you wasted once!!
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Re: Round 8 - 5 Food Trends that Lived & Died this Decade

Post by Kayori »

The unicorn thing is basically just throwing a bunch of random ass colors into food and calling it a day. I'm surprised they went with calling it "unicorn", and not "pride" since the pride movement has gotten big within the last 15-20 years, and even more so within the last several years.

Cake pops are still really popular, so I don't know why it's added to a list of things that "died", only because Starbucks ran with it.

I had no idea activated charcoal was being added to food. Sweet lord people are stupid. I mean, my god... beauty and health & wellness brands adding activated charcoal to their ingredients is one thing: You're not supposed to eat it. If it's added to toothpaste, that's something you're supposed to spit out, not consume. Bioré Skincare has an entire line with activated charcoal.

I'm not at all surprised that Four Loko isn't what it used to be. Like... seriously manufacturers. Did you not test it out first? Check to make sure it wouldn't kill people?

Casual dining sit-down restaurants are still going, despite what they are saying. It's like, "Oh, so is that why places like Applebee's, Buffalo Wild Wings, Golden Corral, Perkins and local family-owned restaurants in my community are empty and devoid of patrons?" No man, they're packed daily. And not just by people of "an older generation", there's a lot of younger people eating out and dining, because the people in the video's mentality does match the rest of the population.
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Re: Round 8 - 5 Food Trends that Lived & Died this Decade

Post by Lex »

lmao why is everyone in this video so against "unicorn" food, who cares if it didn't change the taste?? I will never be against food looking cute. (though they were right that some stuff just shouldn't be rainbow.......that gross grilled cheese.........)

I'm surprised cake pops are on this list though??? I literally ate one last week haha they're still going strong. I guess they're not AS popular as they were back in the day but I wouldn't say they died.

and yeah I'm glad the activated charcoal thing is dead too, this is the opposite of the unicorn food, who cares if it looks cool I would not eat charcoal!!

and don't even get me started on the chain restaurants......... in the last few years i've lost so many of my fave crappy chain restaurants in my area i'm so mad >:C
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Re: Round 8 - 5 Food Trends that Lived & Died this Decade

Post by Mysti »

Good riddance to the activated charcoal thing, although I think a place near me still sells charcoal soy milk. People were just drinking it willy-nilly and guys... that can really mess with meds. People didn't know that though because everywhere was like LOOK, HEALTHY CHARCOAL.

(Also I had a sip of one just once and it tasted vile. Gritty af.)

Although I think at one point there was a cough syrup mix (as in, into food) and that was arguably worse.

I don't think unicorn food really took off where I am, but I'm very tired of food being made for Instagram and not much else. Like, I want to EAT it, and if the unicorn gets in the way of the taste, it's kind of annoying. (There's a unicorn Cornetto's though! I think. Marshmallow flavoured or something.)
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Re: Round 8 - 5 Food Trends that Lived & Died this Decade

Post by Jennifer »

I think as a mom I am like "uhh rainbow, unicorns and cake pops aren't gone" lol but yeah, definitely the popularity of cake pops are going. I remember seeing them rebranded as cake truffles. But I hate cake pops. They taste like half baked dough, and I know that isn't really what they are. (it is just cake blended with frosting and shaped into balls) Someone in Starbucks recently bought two for me and my daughter, and she was pissed it wasn't a lollipop (she's 2) and my son was so excited and would eat one bite, not like it, wait 30 min, eat another bite, and repeat. He wanted so bad to like it :lol: I also feel like some of the trends were with food bloggers, and less trendy "in the wild"

I love activated charcoal because it made everything goth, but it made me cringe when people would say it was healthy. Like I guess maybe if you ate some arsenic, but as they mentioned, it just messes up with your meds. Black food dye taste so nasty, so its sad about activated charcoal, but probably for the better.

I never drank four loko. I guess it is because I went to art school and we all were like "umm... if we want to get messed up we will just do hard liquor dummies" That doesn't mean we didn't buy nasty stuff. Kids would buy their weirdest stuff and then we were left to scramble to figure out how to drink it and it not taste nasty.

I am fine with less chains. But then again I feel like the old chains are just being replaced with newer trendier chains.
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Re: Round 8 - 5 Food Trends that Lived & Died this Decade

Post by Jennifer »

Mysti wrote: Fri Sep 23, 2022 7:32 am Although I think at one point there was a cough syrup mix (as in, into food) and that was arguably worse.
I think that was voodoo donuts. They had to stop. The whole concept was suppose to be a donut for your hangover. Or at least they had one with pepto
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Re: Round 8 - 5 Food Trends that Lived & Died this Decade

Post by Jamie »

Elijah: I had no idea that activated charcoal conflicted with medicine! It seemed like such a dumb hype trend with not enough research to me. Gosh I used to love Burger King when I was little because they let me order my cheeseburgers plain. I don't even remember why I stopped going in my teens and early adulthood, likely because I just became obsessed with other restaurants, and the fact that other places have caught on to the "your way" motto and let me order plain cheeseburgers now. I decided to give it a good old go a year ago and I got food poisoning! It was honestly the worst burger I'd had in a long time lol. Obviously, it was just that location (which closed just a few months after I went) got it certainly made me really sad.
Food Network (Round 8): brownie01, drpepper17, sweetpotatofries05

Jennifer: Finally someone that agrees on cake pops!! Maybe I just had a bad experience but I don't know. The original recipe called for cake crumbs mashed into a ball and to mee it's like WHY. It was also released during the time that trendy bloggers started wrapping everything in fondant. Your daughter being pissed that it wasn't a lollipop is a whole MOOD, that's hilarious and adorable. As for four loko, lol that does sound very art school. Four lokos are just cheap liquor you pick up at 7/11 to get absolutely wasted and have a terrible hangover. :lol: There are no redeeming qualities about it. Though they had a swedish fish flavor for a while that was pretty tasty!
Food Network (Round 8): mango02, soju13, cornbread07

Jun: I agree that rainbow foods are still popular, but folks just aren't calling them unicorns as much anymore. I remember seeing unicorn ice creams and other desserts all over tumblr back in the day. As for cake pops, I only tried once and it was AWFUL, it was dry and had a fondant coat that was flavorless. Thank goodness missing the Charcoal trend, it was so pointless. Overestimating is an interesting thought, there is that fixed idea of infinite growth but tbh there is so much competition and it's all too expensive for lil ol' me anyway lol.
Food Network (Round 8: redlicorice01, cauliflower08, swedishmeatball01

Kayori: I agree unicorn was a really weird choice for rainbow. Maybe for businesses that didn't want to be directly tied to pride? I remember early unicorn stuff posted tended to lean more into pastel pinks, blues, purples, and sparkles, rather than a straight rainbow. But naturally things get watered down once corporations get a hold of it. I think with cake pops they mean more like it's just not as buzzy? Like I remember in high school every mom I knew would brag about having cake pops at their kid's birthday parties or whatever. It was new and exciting so everyone was either buying or making their own. Though they're still popular and at Starbucks the *hype* probably just calmed down a little. For fine dining, I agree they should specify more. I have heard of some major chains having financial trouble (before COVID) or at least seeing their growth curtail (many chains did take out massive loans for mass expansion in the 90s and early 00s, which is not a sustainable model). It goes along with so many outlets shitting on millennials (and now gen z) for "killing" restaurants but tbh there are a lot of factors that contribute to things like that. I still go regularly, but I definitely do so knowing that I could be saving other things instead, but eh.
Food Network (Round 8): brownie19, chocolatemousse06, balut08

Lex: I did find it odd that they were so negative about unicorn food but then turned around and gush about cake pops. I went into cake pops more in other responses and I think that it's just that it's not as buzzy anymore. Social media food is just weird, often it's just not very reasonable, or is more for looks than taste :roll: and I feel like it's only gotten worse. Cough syrup donuts sounds... awful what the heck?
Food Network (Round 8): saffron01, edamame15, whitechocomacadamiacookie09

Ouji: Yeah I kinda skipped the charcoal trend, it seemed a bit too gimmicky to me. Though I did have charcoal tooth paste and it was exactly as grainy as it sounds. I mean it did scrape my teeth clean so there's that. I'm a hookah smoker and use natural coconut coals on the daily and the thought of eating it sounds like a terrible idea to me. As for four loko, it was definitely the crazy party dudes (AHEM ACE) that drank it I feel like back in the day. They are only like $4 a can too, very cheap and fast way to get drunk even with the current version.
Food Network (Round 8): kale02, aguafresca09, bluecheese06
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