Color | Deckname (Deck Filename) | Votes |
| A Batter of Life and Death (abatteroflifeanddeath) | 0 |
| A Christmas Promise (achristmaspromise) | 5 |
| A Crime of Passion Fruit (acrimeofpassionfruit) | 1 |
| A Cup of Holiday Fear (acupofholidayfear) | 0 |
| A December to Remember (adecembertoremember) | 0 |
| A Dowry of Blood (adowryofblood) | 0 |
| A Dowry of Blood (2nd Edition) (adowryofblood_2ed) | 0 |
| A Duet with the Siren Duke (aduetwiththesirenduke) | 0 |
| A Haunting on the Hill (2nd Edition) (ahauntingonthehill_2ed) | 0 |
| A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (aknightofthesevenkingdoms) | 0 |
| A Lot Like Adios (alotlikeadios) | 0 |
| A Midsummer Night's Dream (2nd Edition) (amidsummernightsdream_2ed) | 1 |
| A Midsummer Night's Dream (3rd Edition) (amidsummernightsdream_3ed) | 0 |
| A Room of One's Own (2nd Edition) (aroomofonesown_2ed) | 0 |
| A ​Sky Beyond the Storm (askybeyondthestorm) | 0 |
| A Sweet Sting of Salt (asweetstingofsalt) | 1 |
| A Tiny Upward Shove (atinyupwardshove) | 0 |
| A Touch of Jen (atouchofjen) | 1 |
| A Walk to Remember (3rd Edition) (awalktoremember_3ed) | 0 |
| After Dead: What Came Next (afterdead) | 1 |
| After Dead: What Came Next (2nd Edition) (afterdead_2ed) | 0 |
| After Death (afterdeath) | 0 |
| Against the Currant (againstthecurrant) | 1 |
| Agnes Grey & The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (agnesgreyandthetenantofwildfellhall) | 1 |
| Alex & Eliza (alexandeliza) | 0 |
| Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (5th Edition) (alicesadventuresinwonderland_5ed) | 3 |
| Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (7th Edition) (alicesadventuresinwonderland_7ed) | 0 |
| All About Love: New Visions (allaboutlove) | 0 |
| All Families Are Psychotic (allfamiliesarepsychotic) | 0 |
| All For One (allforone) | 0 |
| All Together Dead (alltogetherdead) | 0 |
| All Together Dead (2nd Edition) (alltogetherdead_2ed) | 0 |
| Allegedly (allegedly) | 0 |
| Alley (alley) | 1 |
| Allison (allison) | 0 |
| Always and Forever, Lara Jean (2nd Edition) (alwaysandforeverlarajean_2ed) | 0 |
| American Rapture (americanrapture) | 0 |
| An Absolutely Remarkable Thing (anabsolutelyremarkablething) | 0 |
| An Ember in the Ashes (anemberintheashes) | 0 |
| An Enchantment of Ravens (anenchantmentofravens) | 0 |
| Anne Dares (annedares) | 0 |
| Anne's Kindred Spirits (anneskindredspirits) | 0 |
| Anne's School Days (annesschooldays) | 0 |
| Anne's Tragical Tea Party (annestragicalteaparty) | 0 |
| Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. (2nd Edition) (areyoutheregoditsmemargaret_2ed) | 1 |
| Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. (3rd Edition) (areyoutheregoditsmemargaret_3ed) | 0 |
| Ark (ark) | 0 |
| Armada (armada) | 0 |
| As Simple as Snow (assimpleassnow) | 0 |
| As Simple as Snow (3rd Edition) (assimpleassnow_3ed) | 0 |
| Ashes to Ashes (ashestoashes) | 0 |
| Assassin's Apprentice (assassinsapprentice) | 0 |
| Assassin's Quest (assassinsquest) | 0 |
| Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail (astridparkerdoesntfail) | 0 |
| Ayiti (ayiti) | 0 |
| Bad Moonlight (badmoonlight) | 0 |
| Bake, Borrow, and Steal (bakeborrowandsteal) | 0 |
| Barbarian Alien (barbarianalien) | 0 |
| Barbarian Lover (barbarianlover) | 0 |
| Barbarian Mine (barbarianmine) | 0 |
| Barbarian's Mate (barbariansmate) | 0 |
| Barbarian's Prize (barbariansprize) | 0 |
| Barbarian's Taming (barbarianstaming) | 0 |
| Barbarian's Touch (barbarianstouch) | 0 |
| Battle Ground (battleground) | 0 |
| Betwixt (betwixt) | 0 |
| Big Shot (bigshot) | 0 |
| Bitter (bitter) | 0 |
| Black Beauty (2nd Edition) (blackbeauty_2ed) | 0 |
| Black Beauty (3rd Edition) (blackbeauty_3ed) | 0 |
| Black Beauty (4th Edition) (blackbeauty_4ed) | 0 |
| Black Beauty (5th Edition) (blackbeauty_5ed) | 0 |
| Black Paradox (blackparadox) | 0 |
| Blackmail and Bibingka (blackmailandbibingka) | 1 |
| Blood Canticle (bloodcanticle) | 0 |
| Blood Kiss (bloodkiss) | 0 |
| Blood on the Tide (bloodonthetide) | 0 |
| Blood Vow (bloodvow) | 0 |
| Bloody Valentine (bloodyvalentine) | 0 |
| Blue Bloods (2nd Edition) (bluebloods_2ed) | 1 |
| Blue Lily, Lily Blue (bluelilylilyblue) | 0 |
| Blue Moon (bluemoon) | 0 |
| Bound to a Siren (boundtoasiren) | 0 |
| Boy-Crazy Stacey (boycrazystacey) | 0 |
| Boys in the Valley (boysinthevalley) | 0 |
| Bravely (bravely) | 0 |
| Bridge (bridge) | 0 |
| Brother (brother) | 0 |
| Burmese Days (burmesedays) | 0 |
| Burn for Burn (burnforburn) | 0 |
| Captive Prince (2nd Edition) (captiveprince_2ed) | 1 |
| Captive Prince (3rd Edition) (captiveprince_3ed) | 1 |
| Carrie Soto Is Back (2nd Edition) (carriesotoisback_2ed) | 0 |
| Carrie Soto Is Back (3rd Edition) (carriesotoisback_3ed) | 0 |
| Castle in the Air (3rd Edition) (castleintheair_3ed) | 0 |
| Certain Dark Things (certaindarkthings) | 0 |
| Certain Dark Things (2nd Edition) (certaindarkthings_2ed) | 0 |
| Chain of Iron (chainofiron) | 0 |
| Challenger Deep (challengerdeep) | 1 |
| Chapterhouse: Dune (chapterhousedune) | 0 |
| Chapterhouse: Dune (chapterhousedune_2ed) | 0 |
| Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (2nd Edition) (charllieandthegreatglasselevator_2ed) | 0 |
| Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (3rd Edition) (charllieandthegreatglasselevator_3ed) | 0 |
| Charm (charm) | 0 |
| Cherish (cherish) | 0 |
| Children of Anguish and Anarchy (childrenofanguishandanarchy) | 0 |
| Children of Blood and Bone (childrenofbloodandbone) | 0 |
| Children of Virtue and Vengeance (childrenofvirtueandvengeance) | 0 |
| Chilled to the Cone (chilledtothecone) | 0 |
| China Dolls (chinadolls) | 0 |
| China Rich Girlfriend (chinarichgirlfriend) | 0 |
| Cirque Du Freak: Allies of the Night (cdfalliesofthenight) | 0 |
| Cirque Du Freak: Killers of the Dawn (cdfkillersofthedawn) | 0 |
| Cirque Du Freak: Lord of the Shadows (cdflordoftheshadows) | 0 |
| Cirque Du Freak: Sons of Destiny (cdfsonsofdestiny) | 0 |
| Cirque Du Freak: The Lake of Souls (cdfthelakeofsouls) | 0 |
| Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire Prince (cdfthevampireprince) | 0 |
| Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (cdfthevampiresassistant) | 0 |
| Cirque Du Freak: Trials of Death (cdftrialsofdeath) | 0 |
| Cirque Du Freak: Tunnels of Blood (cdftunnelsofblood) | 0 |
| Cirque Du Freak: Vampire Mountain (cdfvampiremountain) | 0 |
| Club Dead (clubdead) | 0 |
| Club Dead (2nd Edition) (clubdead_2ed) | 0 |
| Coconut Drop Dead (coconutdropdead) | 0 |
| Competence (competence) | 0 |
| Concrete Rose (concreterose) | 0 |
| Concrete Rose (2nd Edition) (concreterose_2ed) | 0 |
| Court (court) | 0 |
| Court of the Vampire Queen (courtofthevampirequeen) | 0 |
| Covet (covet) | 0 |
| Crave (crave) | 0 |
| Credence (credence) | 0 |
| Crossed (crossed) | 0 |
| Crush (crush) | 0 |
| Cuckoo (cuckoo) | 0 |
| Cursed Bunny (cursedbunny) | 0 |
| Cursed Bunny (2nd Edition) (cursedbunny_2ed) | 0 |
| Daisy Haites (daisyhaites) | 0 |
| Daisy Haites (2nd Edition) (daisyhaites_2ed) | 0 |
| Daisy Haites: The Great Undoing (daisyhaitesthegreatundoing) | 0 |
| Daisy Haites: The Great Undoing (2nd Edition) (daisyhaitesthegreatundoing_2ed) | 0 |
| Daisy Jones & The Six (2nd Edition) (daisyjonesandthesix_2ed) | 0 |
| Dark Flame (darkflame) | 0 |
| Darkdawn (darkdawn) | 0 |
| Darker (darker) | 0 |
| Daughter of the Moon Goddess (2nd Edition) (daughterofthemoongoddess_2ed) | 0 |
| Dead and Gone (2nd Edition) (deadandgone_2ed) | 0 |
| Dead as a Doornail (deadasadoornail) | 0 |
| Dead as a Doornail (2nd Edition) (deadasadoornail_2ed) | 0 |
| Dead Ever After (deadeverafter) | 0 |
| Dead Ever After (2nd Edition) (deadeverafter_2ed) | 0 |
| Dead in the Family (deadinthefamily) | 0 |
| Dead In The Family (2nd Edition) (deadinthefamily_2ed) | 0 |
| Dead Reckoning (deadreckoning) | 0 |
| Dead Reckoning (2nd Edition) (deadreckoning_2ed) | 0 |
| Dead Souls (deadsouls) | 0 |
| Dead to the World (deadtotheworld) | 0 |
| Dead to the World (2nd Edition) (deadtotheworld_2ed) | 0 |
| Dead Until Dark (2nd Edition) (deaduntildark_2ed) | 0 |
| Deadlocked (deadlocked) | 0 |
| Deadlocked (2nd Edition) (deadlocked_2ed) | 0 |
| Dear John (dearjohn) | 0 |
| Dear Justyce (dearjustyce) | 0 |
| Dear Justyce (2nd Edition) (dearjustyce_2ed) | 0 |
| Dear Martin (2nd Edition) (dearmartin_2ed) | 0 |
| Death by Dumpling (deathbydumpling) | 1 |
| Definitely Dead (definitelydead) | 0 |
| Definitely Dead (2nd Edition) (definitelydead_2ed) | 0 |
| Defy Me (defyme) | 0 |
| Delicate Condition (delicatecondition) | 0 |
| Delilah Green Doesn't Care (delilahgreendoesntcare) | 0 |
| Deserter (deserter) | 0 |
| Destroy Me (destroyme) | 0 |
| Devil's Cut (devilscut) | 0 |
| Dim Sum of All Fears (dimsumofallfears) | 1 |
| Dissolving Classroom (dissolvingclassroom) | 1 |
| Dissolving Classroom (2nd Edition) (dissolvingclassroom_2ed) | 0 |
| Donut Disturb (donutdisturb) | 0 |
| Down and Out in Paris and London (downandoutinparisandlondon) | 0 |
| Dracula (10th Edition) (dracula_10ed) | 1 |
| Dracula (3rd Edition) (dracula_3ed) | 1 |
| Dracula (4th Edition) (dracula_4ed) | 0 |
| Dracula (6th Edition) (dracula_6ed) | 1 |
| Dracula (7th Edition) (dracula_7ed) | 0 |
| Dracula (8th Edition) (dracula_8ed) | 0 |
| Dracula (9th Edition) (dracula_9ed) | 0 |
| Dreamland (dreamland) | 0 |
| Dreamland (2nd Edition) (dreamland_2ed) | 0 |
| Dumplin' (dumplin) | 0 |
| Egg Drop Dead (eggdropdead) | 1 |
| Elevation (elevation) | 0 |
| Elsewhere (elsewhere) | 0 |
| Embers (embers) | 0 |
| Emma (2nd Edition) (emma_2ed) | 0 |
| Emma (3rd Edition) (emma_3ed) | 0 |
| Emma (4th Edition) (emma_4ed) | 0 |
| Emma (5th Edition) (emma_5ed) | 0 |
| Empire of the Damned (empireofthedamned) | 0 |
| Empire of the Damned (2nd Edition) (empireofthedamned_2ed) | 0 |
| Empire of the Vampire (empireofthevampire) | 0 |
| Empire of the Vampire (2nd Edition) (empireofthevampire_2ed) | 0 |
| Episode Thirteen (episodethirteen) | 0 |
| Evil in Me (evilinme) | 0 |
| Evocation (evocation) | 0 |
| Excavation (excavation) | 0 |
| Exorcism (exorcism) | 1 |
| Exquisite Corpse (exquisitecorpse) | 0 |
| Fairy Tale (3rd Edition) (fairytale_3ed) | 0 |
| Fake Dates and Mooncakes (fakedatesandmooncakes) | 1 |
| Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay (fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthemscreenplay) | 1 |
| Fatal Fried Rice (fatalfriedrice) | 0 |
| Fate Be Changed (fatebechanged) | 0 |
| Feed (feed) | 0 |
| Fevre Dream (fevredream) | 0 |
| Fevre Dream (2nd Edition) (fevredream_2ed) | 0 |
| Fevre Dream (3rd Edition) (fevredream_3ed) | 0 |
| Fifty Shades Freed (fiftyshadesfreed) | 0 |
| Fifty Shades of Grey (fiftyshadesofgrey) | 0 |
| Final Offer (finaloffer) | 0 |
| Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun (finlaydonovanjumpsthegun) | 0 |
| Finlay Donovan Rolls the Dice (finlaydonovanrollsthedice) | 0 |
| Fire & Blood (fireandblood) | 0 |
| Fire with Fire (firewithfire) | 1 |
| Forged by Malice (forgedbymalice) | 0 |
| Four Aunties and a Wedding (fourauntiesandawedding) | 0 |
| Fracture Me (fractureme) | 0 |
| Frankenstein (3rd Edition) (frankenstein_3ed) | 0 |
| Frankenstein (5th Edition) (frankenstein_5ed) | 0 |
| Frankenstein (6th Edition) (frankenstein_6ed) | 0 |
| Frankenstein (7th Edition) (frankenstein_7ed) | 0 |
| Frankenstein (8th Edition) (frankenstein_8ed) | 0 |
| Frankenstein (9th Edition) (frankenstein_9ed) | 0 |
| Freed (freed) | 0 |
| Frisk (frisk) | 0 |
| From Dead to Worse (2nd Edition) (fromdeadtoworse_2ed) | 0 |
| Fudge and Jury (fudgeandjury) | 0 |
| Gates of Paradise (gatesofparadise) | 0 |
| Gates of Paradise (2nd Edition) (gatesofparadise_2ed) | 0 |
| Gender Queer (genderqueer) | 0 |
| Gender Queer (2nd Edition) (genderqueer_2ed) | 0 |
| Gleanings (gleanings) | 0 |
| Goblin (goblin) | 0 |
| Godsgrave (godsgrave) | 0 |
| Goldenhand (goldenhand) | 0 |
| Goodnight, Anne (goodnightanne) | 1 |
| Grey (grey) | 0 |
| Grey Sister (greysister) | 0 |
| Grown (grown) | 0 |
| Guardian: Zhen Hun - Volume 1 (guardianvol1) | 0 |
| Guilt and Ginataan (guiltandginataan) | 0 |
| Hard Dough Homicide (harddoughhomicide) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (3rd Edition) (harrypotterandthechamberofsecrets_3ed) | 2 |
| Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (4th Edition) (harrypotterandthechamberofsecrets_4ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (5th Edition) (harrypotterandthechamberofsecrets_5ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (6th Edition) (harrypotterandthechamberofsecrets_6ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (7th Edition) (harrypotterandthechamberofsecrets_7ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (8th Edition) (harrypotterandthechamberofsecrets_8ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (9th Edition) (harrypotterandthechamberofsecrets_9ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (harrypotterandthedeathlyhallows) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (3rd Edition) (harrypotterandthedeathlyhallows_3ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (5th Edition) (harrypotterandthedeathlyhallows_5ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (6th Edition) (harrypotterandthedeathlyhallows_6ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (7th Edition) (harrypotterandthedeathlyhallows_7ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (8th Edition) (harrypotterandthedeathlyhallows_8ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (9th Edition) (harrypotterandthedeathlyhallows_9ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (4th Edition) (harrypotterandthegobletoffire_4ed) | 1 |
| Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (5th Edition) (harrypotterandthegobletoffire_5ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (6th Edition) (harrypotterandthegobletoffire_6ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (7th Edition) (harrypotterandthegobletoffire_7ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (8th Edition) (harrypotterandthegobletoffire_8ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (harrypotterandthehalfbloodprince) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (10th Edition) (harrypotterandthehalfbloodprince_10ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (3rd Edition) (harrypotterandthehalfbloodprince_3ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (4th Edition) (harrypotterandthehalfbloodprince_4ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (5th Edition) (harrypotterandthehalfbloodprince_5ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (7th Edition) (harrypotterandthehalfbloodprince_7ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (8th Edition) (harrypotterandthehalfbloodprince_8ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (harrypotterandtheorderofthephoenix) | 1 |
| Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (10th Edition) (harrypotterandtheorderofthephoenix_10ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (3rd Edition) (harrypotterandtheorderofthephoenix_3ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (4th Edition) (harrypotterandtheorderofthephoenix_4ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (6th Edition) (harrypotterandtheorderofthephoenix_6ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (8th Edition) (harrypotterandtheorderofthephoenix_8ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (9th Edition) (harrypotterandtheorderofthephoenix_9ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (10th Edition) (harrypotterandthephilosophersstone_10ed) | 1 |
| Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (4th Edition) (harrypotterandthephilosophersstone_4ed) | 1 |
| Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (5th Edition) (harrypotterandthephilosophersstone_5ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (7th Edition) (harrypotterandthephilosophersstone_7ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (8th Edition) (harrypotterandthephilosophersstone_8ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (9th Edition) (harrypotterandthephilosophersstone_9ed) | 1 |
| Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (6th Edition) (harrypotterandthephilosophersstone_6ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (5th Edition) (harrypotterandtheprisonerofazkaban_5ed) | 1 |
| Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (6th Edition) (harrypotterandtheprisonerofazkaban_6ed) | 1 |
| Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (7th Edition) (harrypotterandtheprisonerofazkaban_7ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (8th Edition) (harrypotterandtheprisonerofazkaban_8ed) | 0 |
| Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (9th Edition) (harrypotterandtheprisonerofazkaban_9ed) | 0 |
| Heaven (heaven) | 0 |
| Heaven (2nd Edition) (heaven_2ed) | 1 |
| Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute (highlysuspiciousandunfairlycute) | 0 |
| Holly (holly) | 0 |
| Holly (2nd Edition) (holly_2ed) | 0 |
| Holy Sister (holysister) | 0 |
| Homage to Catalonia (homagetocatalonia) | 0 |
| Home for the Holidays (homefortheholidays) | 0 |
| Homicide and Halo-Halo (homicideandhalohalo) | 0 |
| Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgot (hoodfeminism) | 0 |
| Hooked (hooked) | 0 |
| Hot and Sour Suspects (hotandsoursuspects) | 1 |
| Hot Pot Murder (hotpotmurder) | 1 |
| House of Flame and Shadow (houseofflameandshadow) | 0 |
| House of Many Ways (3rd Edition) (houseofmanyways_3ed) | 0 |
| House of Sky and Breath (houseofskyandbreath) | 0 |
| Housemoms (housemoms) | 0 |
| How I Learned to Fly (howilearnedtofly) | 2 |
| How to Get a Life in Ten Dates (howtogetalifeintendates) | 0 |
| Hula (hula) | 0 |
| Hysteria (hysteria) | 0 |
| I Found Puppets Living In My Apartment Walls (ifoundpuppetslivinginmyapartmentwalls) | 0 |
| Icebreaker (icebreaker) | 0 |
| Identity (identity) | 0 |
| Ignite Me (igniteme) | 0 |
| Immortal Pleasures (immortalpleasures) | 0 |
| Imprudence (imprudence) | 0 |
| Into the Drowning Deep (intothedrowningdeep) | 0 |
| Into the Riverlands (intotheriverlands) | 0 |
| Iris Kelly Doesn't Date (iriskellydoesntdate) | 0 |
| It's Not Summer Without You (itsnotsummerwithoutyou) | 0 |
| It's Not Summer Without You (4th Edition) (itsnotsummerwithoutyou_4ed) | 0 |
| Jujutsu Kaisen - Volume 15: The Shibuya Incident: Transform (jujutsukaisenvol15) | 0 |
| Jujutsu Kaisen - Volume 16: The Shibuya Incident: Closed Gate (jujutsukaisenvol16) | 0 |
| Jujutsu Kaisen - Volume 17: Perfect Preparation (jujutsukaisenvol17) | 0 |
| Jujutsu Kaisen - Volume 18: Fever (jujutsukaisenvol18) | 0 |
| Jujutsu Kaisen - Volume 20: Sendai Colony: Semi-Feast (jujutsukaisenvol20) | 0 |
| Jujutsu Kaisen - Volume 21: Tokyo No. 2 Colony: Great Luck (jujutsukaisenvol21) | 1 |
| Jujutsu Kaisen - Volume 22 (jujutsukaisenvol22) | 0 |
| Jujutsu Kaisen - Volume 8: Hidden Inventory (jujutsukaisenvol8) | 0 |
| Junji Ito's Cat Diary (2nd Edition) (junjiitoscatdiaryyonandmu_2ed) | 2 |
| Just for the Summer (justforthesummer) | 0 |
| Just Like Mother (justlikemother) | 0 |
| Keys to the Repository (keystotherepository) | 0 |
| Killer Kung Pao (killerkungpao) | 0 |
| Kilmeny of the Orchard (kilmenyoftheorchard) | 0 |
| Kings Rising (2nd Edition) (kingsrising_2ed) | 1 |
| Kings Rising (3rd Edition) (kingsrising_3ed) | 0 |
| Kristy's Great Idea (kristysgreatidea) | 0 |
| Lapvona (lapvona) | 0 |
| Later (later) | 0 |
| Life Among the Savages (lifeamongthesavages) | 0 |
| Life Among the Savages (2nd Edition) (lifeamongthesavages_2ed) | 0 |
| Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined (lifeanddeath) | 0 |
| Life’s Too Short (lifestooshort) | 0 |
| Little Rot (littlerot) | 0 |
| Little Rot (2nd Edition) (littlerot_2ed) | 0 |
| Live and Let Pie (liveandletpie) | 0 |
| Living Dead in Dallas (livingdeadindallas) | 0 |
| Living Dead in Dallas (2nd Edition) (livingdeadindallas_2ed) | 0 |
| Lore (lore) | 0 |
| Lost in Time (lostintime) | 0 |
| Lost In Time (2nd Edition) (lostintime_2ed) | 0 |
| Love & War (loveandwar) | 0 |
| Lovesickness (lovesickness) | 0 |
| Luda (luda) | 0 |
| Luda (2nd Edition) (luda_2ed) | 0 |
| Maeve Fly (maevefly) | 0 |
| Magical Angel Creamy Mami and the Spoiled Princess - Volume 1 (magicalangelcreamymamiandthespoiledprincessvol1) | 0 |
| Magical Angel Creamy Mami and the Spoiled Princess - Volume 2 (magicalangelcreamymamiandthespoiledprincessvol2) | 0 |
| Magical Angel Creamy Mami and the Spoiled Princess - Volume 3 (magicalangelcreamymamiandthespoiledprincessvol3) | 0 |
| Magical Angel Creamy Mami and the Spoiled Princess - Volume 4 (magicalangelcreamymamiandthespoiledprincessvol4) | 0 |
| Magical Angel Creamy Mami and the Spoiled Princess - Volume 5 (magicalangelcreamymamiandthespoiledprincessvol5) | 0 |
| Magical Angel Creamy Mami and the Spoiled Princess - Volume 6 (magicalangelcreamymamiandthespoiledprincessvol6) | 0 |
| Magical Angel Creamy Mami and the Spoiled Princess - Volume 7 (magicalangelcreamymamiandthespoiledprincessvol7) | 0 |
| Magnolia Parks (2nd Edition) (magnoliaparks_2ed) | 1 |
| Magnolia Parks: Into the Dark (magnoliaparksintothedark) | 0 |
| Magnolia Parks: Into the Dark (2nd Edition) (magnoliaparksintothedark_2ed) | 0 |
| Magnolia Parks: The Long Way Home (magnoliaparksthelongwayhome) | 0 |
| Magnolia Parks: The Long Way Home (2nd Edition) (magnoliaparksthelongwayhome_2ed) | 0 |
| Malibu Rising (maliburising) | 0 |
| Malibu Rising (2nd Edition) (maliburising_2ed) | 0 |
| Malice (malice) | 0 |
| Mammoths at the Gates (mammothsatthegates) | 0 |
| Managing and Other Lies (managingandotherlies) | 0 |
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| Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Volume 10 (prettyguardiansailormoonvol10) | 0 |
| Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Volume 10 (2nd Edition) (prettyguardiansailormoonvol10_2ed) | 0 |
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| Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Volume 2 (2nd Edition) (prettyguardiansailormoonvol2_2ed) | 4 |
| Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Volume 3 (2nd Edition) (prettyguardiansailormoonvol3_2ed) | 4 |
| Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Volume 4 (prettyguardiansailormoonvol4) | 3 |
| Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Volume 4 (2nd Edition) (prettyguardiansailormoonvol4_2ed) | 3 |
| Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Volume 5 (prettyguardiansailormoonvol5) | 0 |
| Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Volume 5 (2nd Edition) (prettyguardiansailormoonvol5_2ed) | 2 |
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| Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Volume 6 (2nd Edition) (prettyguardiansailormoonvol6_2ed) | 1 |
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| Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Volume 7 (2nd Edition) (prettyguardiansailormoonvol7_2ed) | 1 |
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| Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Volume 8 (2nd Edition) (prettyguardiansailormoonvol8_2ed) | 0 |
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| Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Volume 9 (2nd Edition) (prettyguardiansailormoonvol9_2ed) | 0 |
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| Pride and Prejudice (3rd Edition) (prideandprejudice_3ed) | 1 |
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| So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (2nd Edition) (solongandthanksforallthefish_2ed) | 0 |
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